Building Empowering Style Guides with Practical Research

2 Parts:
3 Parts:
4 Parts:
Thursday, March 31, 2016
10:30 am
Alamo Drafthouse New Mission

As builders and makers in tech, we strive to create useful, empowering products for our users. A style guide is no different. Done well, it’s a product that all of its users — e.g. developers, designers, customers, partners, and more — find useful and empowering to use. Where should a team start? It begins with understanding your users and the different things they need from style guides. Whether your team is small or large, we’ll share practical research methods for gathering and translating these different needs into building useful and empowering style guides.

Note: the second speaker has been removed from the website by their request.


Sketch Notes

Building Empowering Style Guides with Practical Research

Artist: Susan Lin